📄️ make()
Initialize a new Image instance from a file path or a resource.
📄️ base64()
Return the image as base64 encoded string.
📄️ canvas()
Initialize an empty canvas.
📄️ register()
Register a new alteration.
📄️ basePath()
Get the image path if it was loaded from a file.
📄️ filter()
Apply a filter to the image.
📄️ save()
Save the image to a file.
📄️ stream()
Get the image as stream.
📄️ blur()
Apply a blur effect to the image.
📄️ response()
Return a PSR-7 response with the image as body.
📄️ brightness()
Changes the brightness of the image.
📄️ heavyBlur()
Apply a heavy blur effect to the image.
📄️ ellipse()
Draw an ellipse shape on the image.
📄️ circle()
Draw a circle shape on the image.
📄️ colorize()
Alters the colors of the image using a colorize effect.
📄️ contrast()
Changes the contrast of the image.
📄️ crop()
Crop the image to the given dimensions. If no x and y coordinates are given, the center of the image will be used.
📄️ width()
Get the image width.
📄️ exif()
Retrieve the exif data from the image.
📄️ height()
Get the image height.
📄️ filesize()
Get the image filesize in bytes.
📄️ fill()
Fill the image with a given color or image.
📄️ fit()
Fit the image into the given dimensions.
📄️ flip()
Flip the image along the horizontal or vertical axis.
📄️ gamma()
Apply a gamma correction to the image.
📄️ greyscale()
Convert the image to grayscale.
📄️ heighten()
Heighten the image to the given height.
📄️ insert()
Insert another image on top of the current image.
📄️ interlace()
Interlace the image.
📄️ invert()
Invert the colors of the image.
📄️ iptc()
Retrieve the iptc data from the image.
📄️ limitColors()
Limit the number of colors of the image.
📄️ line()
Draw a line shape on the image.
📄️ mask()
Apply a mask to the image.
📄️ mime()
Get the image mime type.
📄️ opacity()
Change the opacity of the image.
📄️ pickColor()
Get text color at a given position.
📄️ pixel()
Change color of a single pixel.
📄️ pixelate()
Pixelate a given part of the image.
📄️ polygon()
Draw a polygon shape on the image.
📄️ rectangle()
Draw a rectangle shape on the image.
📄️ resize()
Resizes current image based on given width and/or height. To constraint the resize command, pass an optional Closure callback as third parameter.
📄️ resizeCanvas()
Resize the boundaries of the current image to given width and height. An anchor can be defined to determine from what point of the image the resizing is going to happen. Set the mode to relative to add or subtract the given width or height to the actual image dimensions. You can also pass a background color for the emerging area of the image.
📄️ rotate()
Rotate the image by a given number of degrees.
📄️ sharpen()
Sharpen the image.
📄️ text()
Write text to the image.
📄️ trim()
Trim away image space on a given side.
📄️ destroy()
Clear the image from memory, after this the image is no longer usable.
📄️ widen()
Widen the image to the given width.